This delicious full body massage is great for unwinding and therapeutic relief. I combine Swedish circulatory, deep tissue, trigger point release, passive joint mobilization, mayo-facial release, energy work, essential oils and flower remedies to meet the specific needs of your body. This massage relieves aching muscles, detoxifies the body, sedates the nervous system, and aids respiration.
Using the same techniques as the full body massage, the focused body targets one specific area for most of the session. This massage is perfect for rehabilitating an injury or servicing areas of the body that require special attention.
This nurturing massage helps the body metabolize heartache, grief and other emotions held in the heart and stomach. I combine energy work and broad strokes on the full body with focused attention to the heart center (chest area) and the stomach (power center). This treatment may include a guided visualization, a heart-opening flower remedy, and ceremonial use of healing stones. Required minimum: 90min.
In ancient yogic teachings, the practice of directing the breath is called Pranayama. There are many techniques for directing the breath all of which can help calm the mind and reset the nervous system. Ecstatic breathwork is a guided rapid breathing pattern, done laying down while listening to curated music. Breathwork has been proven useful as a means of therapy and self-healing. It can be a tool of transformation, offering a state of consciousness wherein old traumas may be resolved and new insights may come to light. Breathwork amplifies the vibrations of peace, love and appreciation. Sessions are 40-60 minutes. Please book only once vaccinated.
With or without touching your body, I palpate your energetic field, and work with guides to help ground you, release foreign energy, replenish your own energy, revitalize the movement of chi (life force) in your chakras (energy centers) and clear energetic blocks in your aura. This is a subtle modality and effects vary; however, those receptive to energy work feel more present, less anxious, sleep better, and report greater clarity of thought and feeling.
Having trouble letting go, quieting your mind, staying present, releasing anxiety, or sleeping? I can walk you through some simple visualizations that will help ground you for our session and are easy to practice on your own.
* These modalities are generally included at my discretion, but can be specifically requested during our intake.